Local SEO Platform by Nexunom

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As seen in and recommended by

Our Awards:

Use our award-winning local SEO Tools.

Rising Star Award 2020 User Experience Award 2020

Gain Access To These Local SEO Tools

Create a free account to gain access to the following free tools

KW Explorer

Find Long-tail and LSI keywords with KW Explorer keyword finder and keyword research tool with keyword popularity and difficulty.

Local Listing Scan Tool

Check your site against 60 important local listing sites and data aggregators, see your N.A.P accuracy and completeness scores.

SEO Checker

Check your site against top on-page SEO metrics and see your website's on-page optimization score with recommendations.

Side-by-Side SEO Check

Run a side-by-side website on-page SEO analysis and see a report on how your optimization compares against your top competitors.

Google Local Search

Check Google search results from any location and for any language with our Google Local Search tool supporting all locations/languages.

Google Reviews Link

Find the Google reviews direct link for any local business and share it with our short URL link and generate a review card.

Comp. Insider

Check your site against top local SEO KPIs and see how you compare against your top competitors in your location.

Local SERP Checker

See your Maps and Local rankings for any keyword in different points (coordinations) around your main location in a bird's-eye view.

Premium Tools We Recommned

Get your marketing to the next level with the following premium tools

SERP Tracker

Precise local rank tracking tool with Google and Bing Webmaster Tools, Google My Business and Google Analytics integrations

Review Tool

Review management tool used by local businesses to get more reviews, manage and display them on their website


Premium long-tail keyword finder with built-in bulk Google Operators checker and Keyword Golden Ratio bulk checker

New Product Spy

Dropshipping winning product finder with the biggest prodcut database plus other useful dropshipping tools